Her horrific sexual assault at age 12 has been a big influence on her work over the years, and this part of her past is discussed in this book, with regards to self-image and self-care: “ I ate and ate and ate in the hopes that if I made myself big, my body would be safe. Gay has been open about her life and experiences, and in her new book, she tackles a subject she has often written about intimately on her tumblr blog. You wonder how a woman like that has time to do all of this and still travel around the country, promoting her new book, Hunger: A memoir of (my) body. Writer of the long-running tumblr blog, Roxane Gay is spelled with one “N”.Co-editor of PANK, a nonprofit literary arts collective.Writes both fiction An Untamed State, Difficult Women) AND nonfiction Bad Feminist, Hunger) AND poetry ( Ayiti).One of the first black women to be a lead writer for Marvel ( Black Panther: World of Wakanda).New York Times best-selling author ( Bad Feminist).Is there anything Roxane Gay can’t do? Let’s just list some of the highlights of this amazing woman: Roxane Gay’s memoir Hunger is available for checkout through the University Libraries.